About Us

Welcome to Eccentric Garden! My name is Lacey and I’m an artist and plant enthusiast.

The amazing and beautiful textures, colors and patterns found in nature have always intrigued me and are where I draw a lot of my inspiration. My absolute favorite models are bugs, animal skulls and plants. Over the years, I have dabbled in many art mediums from ceramics to jewelry making, and even digital art.  But my heart lies with my first love, acrylic painting. There’s just something different about painting by hand and seeing the magic come alive from your own fingertips! I use my original pieces to print from, which allows me to create many different items for you to enjoy!

In June of 2023, I opened my dream store, my very own artsy plant shop in Allegan, Michigan! This space has allowed me to combine my love of houseplants, complimented by my original artworks.

The name EccentriCGarden is not only a perfect example of what you will find when you browse our products, but it also pays a tribute to my late father, Christopher Garrett. He supported my dreams and was the biggest fan of anything I found passion in.

I hope you enjoy finding a piece that is one of a kind, and thanks for supporting my small business!


Lacey Schmitt

About Us - Eccentric Garden
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Eccentric Garden Headbands

Do you love the headband I'm wearing? I designed it and my friends at The Sassy Olive printed and made it! There's a full collection called The Eccentric Garden x The Sassy Olive collaboration!

Visit the Collection